Prior to creating a ride, you should have the following information:
The release/waiver and disclaimers work hand in hand. Ride Master only displays the release/waiver to the registrant during the registration process. Disclaimers are used to ensure the registrant has read and understands the release waiver.
The release/waiver and disclaimers are optional, but if your ride has a release/waiver, the ride must have at least one disclaimer. If your ride doesn't have a release/waiver, it can still have disclaimers.
Rider classes allow you to group riders together. For instance, if your ride is a rally, you may have 12-hour and 24-hour rally riders. Or you may choose to group your riders into novice and expert classes.
Rider classes are optional.
Prerequisites are associated with each rider class. If the ride requires prerequisites, the ride must have at least one rider class. Each rider class can have zero or more prerequisites.
The ride's fee schedule is optional. A fee schedule is composed of items (e.g. registation fee, shirt fees, banquet tickets, etc). Each item has the following attributes:
If you supply refund policy text, the system will display a link to registrants on the fees page.
If the ride has fees, you may specify payment options, including snail-mail and/or PayPal options. PayPal can be setup in one of two different modes - Interactive and Non-Interactive. See below for more details.
Snail Mail
If you want to accept checks and money orders, you'll need to specify to whom the check or money
order should be made payable as well as the address to which the payment should be mailed.
Interactive PayPal
In interactive mode, the rider must complete the payment before his/her registration is created. This mode
requires the following PayPal account options to be set properly:
To access and learn more about these options, log into your PayPal account and click Profile->More Options. In the Selling Preferences column click on the Website Payment Preferences link. On the next page you'll find these two options as well as links to more information about each one.
Non-Interactive PayPal
In non-interactive mode, the rider pays any fees after his/her registration is created. The last
registration page contains a PayPal link the rider can use to make a payment. This link is also
included in the registration confirmation email sent to the rider and to you. Additionally, this
link can be found on the rider management screens.
You may choose to enable PayPal's Instant Payment Notification (IPN) service. IPN allows PayPal to notify Ride Master when a payment has been made. This only applies to those payments made when using the Ride Master supplied PayPal link discussed above. When Ride Master is notified, a payment entry is added to the rider's fees automatically.
Once you've collected the information above, you're ready to create your ride. To start the process, login to Ride Master and click the My Rides link in the top right menu. On the next screen, click the Create a Ride link.
At the top of the ride creation wizard is a series of tabs (e.g. Core Information, Waiver and Disclaimers, etc.). Each tab allows you to enter specific information. If there's a Save button at the bottom of the page, be sure and click the button to save the information you just entered. When you've entered all the information for each tab, click the ** Review ** tab to review the information. When you're satisfied with the information, click the Create Ride button at the bottom of the page.