Fee Management

The fee management screen allows you to manage a rider's fee schedule, make payments and add miscellaneous adjustments. From the rider management screen simply click the rider's Fee Summary link. At the top of the screen you'll see the rider's current fees.

If you want to refund any item, click its Refund button. Ride Master will add a reversing entry.

If you want to add a payment, find the **Payment item below the rider fees and enter a type/code (e.g. PayPal transaction ID, check number...), the amount of the payment, check the Purchase box and click the Add Checked Items button. Ride Master will add the payment to the rider fees and ensure it's a negative amount.

Free Form
If you want to a free-form entry, find the **Free-Form item below the rider fees and enter a reason, the amount, check the Purchase box and click the Add Checked Items button. Ride Master will add the entry to the rider fees.

Ride Items
If you want to any ride items to the rider fees, find the item below the rider fees; make changes to size, quantity, etc; check the Purchase box; and click the Add Checked Items button. Ride Master will add the item to the rider fees.